Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I get my puppy to grow out of her shyness?

I have a Lab mixed with a Poodle. SHe is very sweet, but she doesn't eat, or does anything. She doesn't play, she lays around ALL DAY! How can i get her to open up to us?How do I get my puppy to grow out of her shyness?
After having her checked out by a vet, one thing that helped a lot with my adopted dog is crating her. She sleeps in her crate and loves to go in and out of it during the day. I have a blanket and soft pad in there for her and I think she likes it because she feels so safe in there. After she got spayed, she just wanted to be in there. Anyway, in the beginning she would only eat if i put the food in her crate. Now she will come out and sniff around, will eat out of the crate, and will play with some toys. However sometimes she will still run back into her crate. I think it helped her to have this ';safe place'; she knew she could go and from there she was much more interested in playing and coming out, knowing she could go back in there. It is still a little difficult for me because it is such a SLOW process. But she is getting there!How do I get my puppy to grow out of her shyness?
rub one out
Take her to the vet first to make sure nothings wrong. Consider having a puppy play date with another puppy?

That should/could open her up.
how long have you had her? she may be feeling overwhelmed. let her relax a little and make sure she has water available. when it's time to feed her give her 10-15 min to eat and then lift the bowl up and wait for her next meal time. if all she wants to do is lay around her first day, then let her. she's getting used to the new environment and smells. lay next to her quietly and let her smell you and slowly pet her. get one of her toys and bounce it playfully in front of her face and make soft yet excited noises as if the toy is trying to play with her and see what happens.

if she hasn't eaten for a day or two and she remains lethargic then try giving her some nutri-cal and taking her to the vet
Take her to the Vet she might be sick that's why dogs lay around quietly.But if you want to make her feel better just pet her smoothly and softly on her back and if she doesn't eat let her drink some water to refresh herself.
You might take her to the Vet. for a check up just to make sure that she isn't sick, as normally puppies are full of energy and are very curious. She may be ill as most puppies are very active.
First, take her to the vet. Before anything else, eliminate the possibility that she maybe sick. Most often its parasites or dyspepsia (indigestion), but could be an injury.

There is also a possibility the puppy is experiencing some anxiety about her new home. The best thing to do to reduce her anxiety is to remain calm and consistent. Dogs like routine. Do not change her food. Find a puppy food that is suitable for her age and weight, and stick with it. Try to feed her at the same times everyday. Walk her around the same times everyday. Find a schedule that is realistic for your family.

For some further information I will attach a website that I found helpful. Good luck and best wishes.


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